This session actually started out as a first birthday shoot for big sis back in May. A few weeks before, the mom reached out to me and said, “Soooo, how about we just switch to a November newborn session.” I was thrilled for them and of course, happy to make the switch! Newborn sessions are […]
This mom would make a heck of a photographer assistant. She booked the session months ago for an extended family session with her husband’s family. She wanted pretty light, rustic location, and fall colors. As luck would have it, she got exactly what she wanted! She also said she was “leaving nothing to chance” in […]
This mom is actually the aunt of my 6 year-old daughter’s “love of her life.” Yes, I know that sounds crazy but she did propose to this kid last year in kindergarten— which is a story for another day. Well, now his aunt and uncle had a baby and here we are! This amazing mama […]
So this is kind of funny. I always set the times of my sessions for about an hour and a half before sunset. (First of all, I have to say that I love this family) We were supposed to meet at this location at 4:30 and the mom texted me and asked how mad I […]
When this mom reached out to me to schedule newborn pictures for her new little babe who was due in a few months, her number one priority was getting sweet pictures of her girls with their new baby. When I arrived to the session, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect because I didn’t know […]
This little boy was so perfect for his session. He didn’t wake up until the very end of the session when we were just taking some bonus pictures. The session was about 45 minutes away and it was pretty dark as I was driving there. I kept thinking, “please get lighter, please get lighter,” and […]
When you meet this family, you would never know that they had such a challenging journey to get to where they are today. Once I heard a piece of it, I wanted to make sure I squeezed them into my schedule. They are just the kindest people and had to work pretty hard to bring […]
I am pretty partial to this family— because they are my family! My aunt and uncle were like a second set of parents to me growing up and my cousins were like additional brothers and sisters. We grew up on the same street, two houses down from each other, so we were pretty inseparable. One […]
This session was originally scheduled for the Sunday before it actually happened and the forecast looked magnificent! But we got hit with some weird unpredicted rain showers and decided to move it. The night we ended up with couldn’t have been more perfect, so it all. worked. OUT! I love this family— the kids are […]
Oh man was I happy to see this joyful face again! This little girl is turning ONE next week and I am here for it. I met mom and babe at my Mother’s Day mini sessions and walked away from that session thinking, “That was pretty easy for a 6 month old.” She was just […]