These are a few of my favorite things! First of all, I would like to note that this mom has gotten a ton of compliments on her outfit selections for this session. As soon as she told me what her family would be wearing, I knew the spot I wanted to take them. It has […]
To begin, ever since I discovered this exact location, I have been dying to find clients who a) were willing to walk uphill to get there b) were into a rustic boho-esque vibe for their session. When my friend told me about the dress she was getting for the session (swishy!), I thought yessss I […]
I would say most of my sessions involve little kids and I LOVE those sessions. But sometimes it is fun to mix it up with some older kids. The kids in this family were old enough that I could get some really awesome portraits of them but also young enough that I could still ask […]
This mom reached out to me because she was never able to do a newborn session for her now-4 months old baby and she wanted to get pictures before it was too late. As a mom, I commend her for making these photos happen because everything does seem to happen so fast. You blink and […]
When this mom and I were figuring out a location for her family session, I offered a few different “feels.” As soon as I mentioned an adventure-type session, she was all ears. I love when there is exploring involved because it gives the kids something to focus on and also incorporates movement and multiple scenes. […]
I met this family for the first time the other night and I knew we would get along great as soon as I heard the kids yelling, “toilet!” to each other and laughing. I felt very much at home. In all seriousness though, the kids were a lot of fun and had such a special […]
To say this session was gorgeous would be an understatement. We had beautiful light peaking through the trees, the gardens were in full bloom, and we had some very freshly mowed grass (somewhat of a hay field in the back LOL). It was a little chilly, but luckily this mom-to-be had someone to keep her […]
This session was personal to me. I have seen a few photographers (not local) do these engagement style sessions with older couples and was immediately intrigued. I do not think many of these couples have been photographed like this since their wedding! (and even then, wedding photography was not like it is today) There is […]
When I first met these girls (at the beginning of the session), all they wanted to do was run around. To get them to take pictures with their parents, I had to first conduct some races and tell them about all the cool places we would be exploring during the session. This would work for […]
A loving grandma and friend of a friend reached out to me because she wanted photos with her grandchildren (I feel like we are onto something with this!). The catch was that she lives in PA. We put the session on hold until recently, when I told her that I would be location scouting in […]