A huge part of what makes this family so lovable is that they are so REAL. And the parents are the first ones to tell you what that reality looks like. It is loud. It is messy. It involves a lot of wrestling. But watching the way these boys’ eyes light up when they run […]
How cute is this little guy?! We have had this session set up since last fall and poor mom reached out to me in a panic the other day because her son had taken a bad fall. He had a big bruise on his forehead and a few cuts on his nose. (Remember what I […]
This session is one that would be fun to do again. Normally, clients book their newborn sessions a few weeks after the baby is born and their family sessions outdoors—and when babies are past the newborn stage. This family did a hybrid of those two ideas. They waited until their newborn was a few months […]
How stinking cute is this baby boy? (Side note: so many newborn boys lately! There must have been something in the water 10 months ago haha) Some moms tell me before their session that all the baby does is sleep and they would be shocked if he/she didn’t sleep for the entire session [aka the […]
Isn’t it funny how every year, despite knowing they are coming, the cooler temperatures take you by surprise? It becomes challenging with family sessions, too, because parents pick out such adorable outfits for their kids and hope that they don’t have to throw on jackets. These parents were prepared and brought a blanket to wrap […]
I went to college with one of the moms at this session and she had reached out to me pre-quarantine to set up a session so that she could gift her mom the perfect Mother’s Day gift— a photo of her grandchildren (ideally all looking at the camera at the same time, haha!). This was […]