Confession. I live in New Jersey and I have never been to a sunflower field. When I saw that a local farm offered an after-hours sunflower event AND a client asked me to do a 3rd birthday session for her son there, I was 100% sold…and just a little excited 😉 The sunflowers did not […]
This sweet little lady came 4 weeks early! She just couldn’t wait to meet everyone 🙂 Working in our favor, she was still very sleepy most of the day and night, including sunset time, which I always thought was unheard of for a baby. I pretty much start to twitch remembering the hours of 4-11pm […]
So believe it or not, this dad is my financial advisor! My husband and I were nervously telling him about a home improvement project we are about to embark on (like little kids telling their parents that they just did something bad, hah!). He was NOT mad at us (lol) but before we even got […]
This front porch session actually turned into a backyard session because the sun was in all of its glory in front of this family’s house and it would have been way too bright. The kids had clearly been practicing their smiles because they were ready to go as soon as I got there! Well, sort […]