When I walked into this family’s home, it looked like something straight out of the reveal scene at the end of a Fixer Upper episode. Every design aspect was so perfect. I am sure this mom and dad put a lot of time and energy into getting their home ready before they brought home their sweet baby boy. The nursery was definitely a testament to this— it was amazing! And now they have their fairy tale ending with a perfect little person in the mix.
When we were planning the session together, this mom had asked about trying to find a way to incorporate her husband’s guitar into a photo. I loved the idea and wanted to try to find a safe way to make this happen for them. You may not know this but a lot of newborn photos are actually composites so that they can be done safely (merging multiple photos together). For this photo, I made sure the baby was in a super deep sleep and mom was sitting right next to him the entire time so that if he stirred, she was right there. I love the way it turned out!
This little guy needed a little extra time at the beginning of the session to fall asleep and we had to take a few feeding breaks, but eventually, he caved. And this is why I build so much time into the sessions! As soon as the baby is truly asleep, I can usually move through everything pretty quickly. And he was such a sweet baby with perfect, petite features. I am sure this mom and dad have been spending a lot of time cuddling and loving him ever since he joined the party!