k family ~ rain, rain go away


This mom was excited to book a family session since the summer but decided to wait for the fall colors. Needless to say, we were talking about setting up the session for awhile before the session actually happened. So when the day arrived and rain just APPEARED on the forecast (even though I had been watching for a week and there was never any rain!), we weren’t sure what to do. She had already gone through the trouble of getting her whole family ready and didn’t want to have to do it again, so we decided to chance it. (I am sure all you moms can relate to this)

The rain actually stopped for the duration of our session and then started back up again after it was over. I guess it was meant to be! It was a cool night but the kids were serious troopers and never once complained or cried. The little boy was nonstop, so he was probably able to keep himself warm. He was running around and jumping all over the place. His parents were able to coax him to stop running and be still (ish) for the pictures with the promise of a donut at the end. I’m not going to lie, when that donut appeared after we were all done, I really wanted it (haha!). I stopped for donuts on the way home to reward myself for being so good during the session 😛




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