This family took their photos at Princeton U. last year, so I knew I had to find a cool spot for this year’s session. (And by cool, I do NOT mean cold… getting flashbacks from last November when the girls were melting down about how cold it was— although, as always, you would never know it from the photos!) We went with an opposite temperature this year— a July summer session.
The fam had just gotten back from a pretty epic trip in Italy, staying with family along the Amalfi coast, and I loved getting to hear all about it. Everyone was tan and bubbly about the trip, although also happy to be home. These gardens are not too far from their home and the girls loved it. We walked through, admiring the beautiful flowers, and then checking out the koi in the koi pond. There was even a deer walking around, no fear of people whatsoever.
One thing I love about these girls is how comfortable they are with me now. We have been doing sessions together for years and it is so much fun for me to see how much they have grown and learn what they are into since the last time I saw them. They were super excited to show me all of their gymnastics skills this time. We found a patch of grass and they wanted to show me cartwheels and bridges (and pile-ons). They were so cute and seem so much older than last year! I am already looking forward to next year to see what surprises they have up their sleeves.