I won’t lie, I was nervous about this session. Everyone has been cooped up in quarantine life and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, from myself or my clients. I never want to come off as disrespectful of clients’ comfort level— this is a crazy time in our world right now and we all have different experiences that are directing our thoughts and actions.
The parents wanted rustic and I chose a location that certainly delivers that. I saw only a handful of other people there, so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. Grandma and Grandpa came to help wrangle the energetic 2-year old big sister. Our little group had a blast! Big sister was running around, picking flowers for her mom and dad to smell, checking out the “fishies” in the stream, and finding awesome sticks (what kid doesn’t love finding a big stick). Despite being very busy, she had nothing but love towards her new baby sister and was always willing to give kisses and hugs**.
**For snacks