I’m not going to lie— it felt good to start up my 2022 season. I enjoyed a nice little break (from business…not really a “break” haha) for the holidays and now I am feeling creatively rejuvenated. During this slower winter season, I am really excited to take a few classes and learn even more about my craft!
As I arrived at this newborn session, I was greeted by big sister. She was so cute and chatty; she wanted to show me all the things! She is 1.5 so these two are super close in age. I know all about that game and can envision all of the joys and challenges that this family will face over the next year. She took me to her room and showed me her crib, her Elmo, her rocking chair. We were instantly friends and she became my assistant for the shoot.
Her brother was an angel. He slept for the entire session until I unwrapped him at the end and just had the most angelic little face. Babies are my happy place 🙂 We ended up starting the session with the sibling pictures since the little girl was in a good mood and seemed pretty comfortable with me. She was amazing! We moved to the parents’ bed and got some sweet family pictures there. By the time we went into the living room to finish the lifestyle portion, sister was done. I posted to my IG a photo of her parents sitting together with the baby while she just sat off to the side with her iPad. I had to capture the scene…and the mood haha.
I always love the personal aspects of the session because they make each one unique for me. The parents told me that the grandparents have a photo of each of their sets of grandkids’ feet, so they asked me to make that happen. The two kids lay on the bed next to each other (the little girl on her dad’s phone— anything for the picture, right?!) and just their cute little feet were in focus. It’s such a fun photo!
Ok 2022— I’m ready for you!