Grandma organized this session. She wanted her daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter to have a front porch session during quarantine and she wanted to hop in a few of those photos too. I loved it!
The mom in this family was actually one of my daughter’s teachers this past year, but it was my first time meeting the rest of her family. Her daughter was so sweet…and very excited when I surprised her with a small bouquet of wildflowers at the start of the session. That small gesture proved serendipitous because as I was chatting with the rest of the family, the dad was busy doing something in the background. Suddenly, I noticed he had pulled a few props out of the garage, including a flower stand (to be fair, it had last been used as a “book sale” stand) and flower decor. An outfit change later, the daughter now matched the flowers and the flower decor. I didn’t even know MYSELF that I was bringing those flowers until 10 minutes before the session. I had to laugh at how “planned” it all looked.
This session involved a lot of chatting and laughing. I love the connection these parents have with their daughter, and the very apparent special relationship she has with her grandmother. They even have code words to make each other laugh— they made my job very easy!