I feel so lucky to have documented so many of this family’s big moments over the past year. I met the mom and her daughter last year during my motherhood mini sessions. Then, when she and her husband were married at the courthouse in the fall, I was there to capture that. And now they are getting ready to welcome Baby #2 and I have the privilege of again, being there and freezing this moment in their family’s story. Next month, I will be there when that baby is earthside 🙂
Part of why I love this client so much is because she is so go-with-the-flow and just trusting in the Universe that everything will be beautiful. When her wedding day forecast was showing rain, did she stress out? No. She said she felt like it would be romantic. When this maternity session was also showing a rainy forecast and we were trying to decide whether to chance it or reschedule, we decided to just go for it. And despite the forecast, it didn’t rain a drop! She said that when she puts things out into the Universe, she just feels like they all work out how they are supposed to. And I love that! We ended up with the dreamiest session. The weeping willows were swaying, her daughter was so good, and she just looked like this goddess against the whimsical landscape.
I am so excited to be with this family again in a month and to meet their newest addition. These two parents have hearts of gold and Baby Girl #2 is certainly going to be a very lucky lady.