c family ~ unicorn first birthday session


I’m baaaaaack. I know some of you are shaking your head at me. I’m sorry, I don’t know how to take breaks!

I actually went to high school with the dad of this (almost) birthday girl, so I was looking forward to getting to see him in this new role. He and his wife (who is awesome, by the way) are clearly amazing parents who try to create an environment of fun for their kids. We were originally going to do the session in a nearby park, but it was incredibly hot and humid, so they asked if we could do the session at their home instead. (Probably a better idea for a cake smash, haha. I am envisioning the cake just deflating like a balloon.)

I was greeted by their older son, who is 3 and the same age as my little guy. He has that same adorable impish grin and shining eyes— and he was an amazing big brother. When we were doing pictures with bubbles, he made sure the bubble machine was “full” and working properly. When we were doing pictures with his sister and the cake, he was a great listener— staying out of photos in the beginning, and then hopping in at the earliest opportunity. He even fed her some of the cake! These two siblings are going to have a super fun time growing up together.

Meanwhile, the birthday girl had quite the session, with multiple outfit and bow changes. She went along with everything and was especially excited for the cake portion of the day (obviously). We even managed to get the whole family in the mess! This was my favorite part. Now, these kids will always have photographic evidence that their parents loved to have fun with them when they were little. If they ever say to their mom or dad, “You never let us do anything fun!” or “Why can’t you be a cool parent?” these pictures can be pulled out (hahaha). After my month hiatus, this was such a great way to get back in the game.




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